Veronika Bertram

Lead Risk Finance Adviser

Veronika is Lead Risk Finance Adviser at the Centre for Disaster Protection with a big passion for financial solutions and systems that create protection against climate risks.

Veronika contributes both to the advisory and evidence team of the Centre. She advises clients on financing solutions, strategies, and policies to deal with climate-related risks better. Her evidence work focuses on premium financing and how to upscale protection with international support. Read her latest blog on ‘Where next for premium support?

Veronika discovered her passion for climate risk finance during her PhD when she collected household data in Mongolia. She worked in over 20 vulnerable countries with the German Development Bank (KfW), the German Institute for Economic Research and the World Bank. She loves connecting dots and people.

Veronika recently moved to Washington DC with her family. A good day for her starts with a hand-ground coffee in the garden and ends with a swing dance.